Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just Giving Thanks....

Well I decided to wait till after the holidays to start SCD for obvious reasons. But I just wanted to note how well Melqui has been doing. He has been taking Nystatin since Oct.18th and Cal/Mag. since Nov. 1st. I am now waiting for the delivery truck to caome and bring me his Probiotic that I ordered. I can't wait to see what this does for him.

Overall Melqui has been speaking more, trying to interact more..and at times when I feel he might not be ready for something (like a sort of outing we have) well he actually surprises me and does very good. I'm always prepared (well I try to be) with stuff at hand to keep him occupied and entertained. We went to the churches Fall Festival and it was a lot of fun, I got a little overwhelmed at the thought that Melqui might get too excited and not control himself, but I must stop thinking so negative because he was truely an angel. He acted like a big boy. And when it was time to go home, he quickly stopped what he was doing and came right along. Such a Good Boy!!!

I love Melqui with all my heart, and I am proud to have such a wonderful little boy in my life. I Thank God for him everyday and for having such an understanding family of my own.